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  • Can I modify or cancel my order?
    Due to our efforts to ensure that you receive your order as quickly and as accurately as possible, we are unable to cancel or make changes to your order 24 hours after you have placed it with us. Before that 24 hours you may contact us via email.
  • How do I check on the status of my order?
    The status of your order will be emailed once any changes are made. Create an account to check on the status on your order.
  • What is your shipping policy?
    Please see our shipping policy linked at the bottom of our website.
  • I think my package was lost or stolen. What should I do?
    All orders come with the option of insurance. Marian Haye Beauty is not responsible for lost or stolen items as well as addresses that are incorrect. Please contact the shipping carrier to file a claim or contact Route our insurance provider. If you have purchased insurance check for an email from Route. If you believe your package may have been lost or stolen, please contact our customer service team and we will do our best to assist you.
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